Making AI Innovation Accessible to All, Beneficial for All

Build The World's Largest Distributed AI Computing Network

GPU connected

Train Your LLM on DEKUBE

Use Cases
More Efficient
DEKUBE allows tasks to be executed simultaneously on multiple nodes, accelerating task completion. Computing resources can be flexibly scaled up or down according to training requirements.

Optimal Solution For Distributed AI Computing

Infinite Scalability

Build the cluster with the computational power equivalent to millions of GPUs, supporting the training of super-large parameter models.

Privacy & Security

  • Data storage, transmission, and computation are asymmetrically encrypted;
  • Security monitoring system;
  • Computational node qualification certification system.

High Availability

Fault-tolerant recovery mechanism to avoid the impact of single-point failures.

Cost Reduction

In a distributed environment for training large models the cost per full-parameter training session can be significantly reduced up to 40%.

Speed Improvement

Optimization through Load Balance System(LBS) the processing speed for training tasks increases by up to 30%.

Elastic Supply

Distributed architecture, resources dynamically scheduled, pay-as-you-go.
Check out how it works

Security and Responsibility

Empowering Trust and Security

DEKUBE embodies a commitment to trust and responsibility, ensuring a secure, private, and efficient digital future.

Data Security as a Priority

Data integrity is paramount. Through stringent authorization protocols, rigorous regulatory compliance, and robust certification processes.

Compliance and Assurance

DEKUBE ensures end-to-end encryption from transmission to storage to algorithms, adhering to international standards and certifications for complete data security.

Accelerate Your Training
DEKUBE will divide tasks into multiple sub-tasks, executing them in parallel across multiple nodes to accelerate task completion.
Maximize The Earnings of Your GPU
The era of AI has arrived, and unimaginable returns can be gained on GPU devices. Calling all idle GPU device owners, join DEKUBE, the world's most promising AI computing platform.
Earn 3x more providing AI compute
Simple setup, connect to the network in one step
Fair POW, claim your reward anytime
Apply For Free A100
AI Libre Sprint
Apply for free AI Computes on DEKUBE to implant the principles of freedom and openness at the core of AI development, let AI truly be open, decentralized, and accessible to everyone.
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